Feb 18thth
Announcements and reminders
Claire announced that we are beginning community grants season.  April 15th is the due date. Rob Martin will take applications while Claire is away.
Michelle announced that Leon Panetta will do a video shoot to add to the Sam Farr roast for our major fundraiser in May.
Doug announced that Scotts Valley Rotary Trivia cup challenge is on Feb 27th. Cost is $50 per person. Trivia teams are made up of four people. Doug has sign-up sheet.
Aptos Soquel business showcase will be next Wednesday night,  4:00-7:00 at Aptos Seascape. We need people to staff the table. See Doug Deaver.
Next week is the area speech contest. There will be four contestants participating who are contest winners from their own clubs.  There will be a large crowd so come early.
Richard announced that the beach clean-up is this Saturday at 9:00 AM at Dolphin and Sumner. Look for a red Prius with back open.
Sloane Devoto was accepted as a member into the club.
Michele introduced Greg Peppin executive director of the Coastal Watershed Council, which is one of our (and other Rotary Clubs) grant recipients.
Michele introduced Greg Peppin executive director of the Coastal Watershed Council, which is one of our (and other Rotary Clubs) grant recipients.  Mr. Pepping was a Peace Corps volunteer in Uganda who won an award in 2016 for the San Lorenzo River Project.  He serves on the City of Santa Cruz Water Supply Committee and the Planning Commission.
The CWC has been around since 1995. It is science based. Citizen scientists learn how to collect water quality samples and they give the info to local officials. Both youth and adults are involved. He is building a diverse constituency which includes the Beach Flats area. They are promoting STEM education with children in this area.
Mr. Pepping then spoke about the San Lorenzo River Alliance. He gave us the history of the river and its old use.   It was a real part of our economy and identity.  Then it would flood and we would recover until 1955. After that major flood, levies were installed to prevent future floods and, while effective, it disconnected us from the river.
In December 2009 the San Lorenzo River Alliance committee was formed  including city and county  officials and the resource  conservation district.  He says the river is cleaner than we think. They are focused on water quality testing including FIB, DNA testing, Fecal sterols and caffeine for multiple lines of evidence so that you can figure out where the bacteria come from and address it accordingly.
The SLRA also sponsored the Ebb and Flow arts event and had a parade with people dressed up in river costumes.  On First Friday they have also had arts projects including a film projected onto the river and animal cutouts. They also had Meander, a fund raising dinner, to get people down to the river to have them see it in a new way.  In total in the first year of the alliance they had 77 events.  He closed by thanking Rotary for being part of this picture. If interested you can give in three ways: time, energy and/or money. For more information see:  Coastal-watershed.org or SanLorenzoRiver.org