Posted on Jul 29, 2019
Our community grants application has now been posted. It can be downloaded from this website. The deadline for submission is October 1st and the awards ceremony will be December 5th.
The debunking of the president is rescheduled for Thursday August 29th at Santa Cruz Yacht Club at 5:30. We will be dark for the regular meeting that day.
We have scheduled Tues Sept 17th 4:00 at Aptos Seascape to assemble kits for Rising International. These are ”safety bracelets” with information on human trafficking.
Matthew Morse our scholarship from recipient from Aptos High received his award today. He is going to Gonzaga university where he will major in business and environmental studies.
Dagmar announced this Saturday July 27th is the beach clean-up. Meet right in front of the Rio Café (sometimes called Rio Flats) beach. There is free parking and there will be refreshments! Wear your sunscreen and closed toe shoes.
Sunday September 15th is the summer fun party at Keith’s at 2:00. To RSVP , sign up at a meeting
Danny Contreras director of the Medication Assisted Treatment Program for Santa Cruz county was speaker today. He spoke about their program which includes 3 clinics, two in Santa Cruz and one in Watsonville.
       Mr. Contreras said the clinics are targeted for opioid addiction as well as alcohol addiction. There are 20 providers and 130 clients at this point. They also have a needle exchange program. There are treatment groups at all 3 clinics. They talk about triggers and cravings as well as basic life skills. There are homeless people among them.
         He stressed that it is important not to label people and not stigmatize them. They are now engaging in the health care system and getting treatment for long ignored conditions such as HIV Aids and hepatitis. He characterizes their services as a “last resort” for people who have unable to tolerate treatment elsewhere. Methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone are some of the medications he uses to assist in recovery
          Ken Campbell, a peer mentor in the program, shared his recovery story with. He used opiates and while on them ended up in prison for some time. Now if he takes heroin while on medication assisted treatment, the drug won’t work. He currently lives in a sober living environment and is now an Uber driver.
          For more information call 831 212-3498 or 831 454 4460 or email