Posted by Pamela Arnsberger on Jun 01, 2019
The club has changed the schedule for our community grants awards this year. We will delay the grant awards until fall of 2019 so that we can determine the exact amount of funds we have to distribute. Watch this site for more information.
The debunking of the president will take place at a brunch at 12:00 on June 30th at the Santa Cruz Yacht club. Save the date!
We will again be having our  fundraiser at Aptos Park on the 4th of July beginning after the parade.  See Al to sign up to help in the booth or with set up or clean up, or by taking cash and checking ID’s.
We will again participate in the beach clean-up this year. Save the third Saturday in September!
Susan Nemitz and Cindy Jackson from the library system were both here at the club to speak to us today. They were both active in getting measure S passed and are bringing our libraries up to date with these funds. We voted for 67 million dollars for the libraries to be modernized and rebuilt. However, it is not enough to do what they need to do and now they are raising funds for each separate project.
          Ms Nemitz reviewed progress of doing the work on the various branches. La Selva will be closed and then re-opened this fall. A big issue for them is plumbing and electric as well as HVAC systems. They also need to be accessible to people with physical limitations. They will be creating an outside space for programs as well.
In the Aptos library they will be using the “design build” approach.  It will have additional program space. Lighting and acoustics will be updated. It will also be a sustainable/green building. Aptos will be one of the last projects.
Capitola is under construction.  It should be opened June 1st of 2020. All the computers systems will be updated and have Wifi and there will be individuals study spaces. The area for children will be at least doubled with a play area for tots.
Felton is being rebuilt and will be open in January 2020.
For all the libraries, the goal is to have learning opportunities all day long. She said we will be awed at what we will see in these new facilities!
There followed a lively question and answer session.