Dear fellow Rotarians:

Our January 18 meeting was lunch at Seascape.  We are going to continue to have our meetings there rather than going to other locations.

President Lowry presided.
We had 20 attendees in person and Several on zoom.

Sam did the welcome song and 4 way test song.  Rich McAdams played air bass.

We had a guest -Dana Stein from Cupertino

District Governor Hung Wei was our guest speaker
Before her presentation she presented awards to Doug, Julie, Bill and Lowry in recognition of their donations.

Dr. Art's thought for the day: We never learn from history

Sandy told us that the grants committee is staying in the club this year

The speech contest is Feb 29- those who are interested in volunteering contact Lowry

We are  having our social Feb 1 at Cantine at 530.  For those who haven't made it there yet- it's a very nice setting with a great selection of wine and beers and the socializing is great fun.

Sandy was the detective- her subject was weather
Some things we learned (or already knew?)

A storm is a classified as a hurricane if its wind speeds are 74 mph.  right, not 75.  Why? Unknown.
(Why is weather called meteorology anyway? That name should go to the study of meteors, not weather)

Thunder is created by the sudden separation and return of large volumes of air (from lightning)

Golf ball hail sized hail is ball size?   1.68 inches, 42.7 centimeters (does that include the dimples?)

District Governor Hung Wei spoke about her Rotary experiences and Rotary motivation

She moved to the Bay Area from LA, settled in Cupertino, became a councilmember and mayor

(She was a little fuzzy on her geography quiz, saying Livermore was the western most part of 5170.  Hmm, I think we are- any further West and you are in the Pacific Ocean)

Hung Wei loves her work.  She has many different occupations and activities and said she manages her schedule by doing one thing at a time.

She said she is a happily married single -her husband works in Taiwan.  She used a fun acronym- IPO; Income Producing Offspring- something all parents aspire to have

She told a story about a young boy who had a troubled homelife and was struggling to get what he needed for school.  Every year he would receive a backpack, a jacket and school supplies from an anonymous source.  That enabled him to complete school and eventually have a successful career.  The anonymous source for his things was a Rotary program called Back to School Backpacks.  Hung Wei thanked Rotary, and us, for being that invisible person(s) who helps change lives.

Another theme she spoke of was to be a happy Rotarian- our club doesn’t need much improvement in that area...

She told us of the tragedy of her 19 year old daughter who killed herself in New York.  Rotary International President Gordon McInally's brother also killed himself.  Hung Wei is urging Rotarians to get involved in mental health programs,

She said that her daughter lives in her heart, and she has a double happy life- her daughter is with her sharing all of her joys.

The District conference theme is the Family of Rotary- inspired in large part by President McInally's experiences, much like Hung Wei's.  The meeting is in  April and all are encouraged to attend.
On March 16 there  is a district leadership meeting in Santa Cruz at 430 then going to the SC Warriors game.