Our August 18 meeting at Seascape had 22 in person and 2 zoom attendees.
Great Big Welcome Back to Jimmy Kutch!!! Congrats on being well enough to join us- always a better event with Jimmy K there. Also nice to see Marie at lunch again – we are hoping she can convince her daughter to join.
Kendra Cleary and Jimmy Kutch; Marie Mosely.
Sam led us in the Welcome Song and 4 Way Test song and we got a taste of Kelly's oompa oompa beat.
Dr. Art provided a thought for the day that paraphrased Steven Hawking, who said, “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.” Dr. Art’s version left his audience deep in thought.
It was CPOM Laura's birthday and Sam led us in the Birthday song- happy 54th Madam Co-President. Happy Birthday Laura!!!
He wasn't there to refute or deny it. but Graham Stokes supposedly has agreed to succeed Craig as Sgt at Arms. Congratulations?
Alexandra Weiss, one of our scholarship recipients, attended via Zoom and was prodded by immediate past president Ken to brag a bit about the things she accomplished that warranted our scholarship. She is delightful and a very deserving and grateful recipient. We wish her all the best.
Trish Glassey and Ken virtually present Alexandra
with her scholarship certificate.
with her scholarship certificate.
Becky announced the Walk to End Alzheimer’s on September 17 at Seascape. A hat was passed for donations for her walking. Details are online – summary is that the event is at Seascape Park and Resort- registration at 8, ceremony at 9 and walk starts at 9:30 – route is tba.
Michele passed out flyers and gave more details about the Willy Roast on November 18. Sponsors are needed for this fun charitable event.
By voice vote we elected the at large directors nominated/voluntold by the board (Michele, Dagmar, Dr. Art, Win, Mardi, and Trish), including Graham so he now cannot get out of it.
Michele also announced the 9/28 Business Showcase: we need somebody to be in charge or assembling and staffing our booth and recruiting Interacters to volunteer - job descriptions seemed suspiciously easy... we also need volunteers to staff the booth.
Sadly, it was announced that former member Bob Curtis passed. His wife passed along their gratitude for our club's thoughtfulness. His memorial will be September 9 at 11 am at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church at 9850 Monroe Ave., Aptos.
Mardi was recognized for her hard work in arranging for a large, three-part ad for our Club in the Volunteer Recognition supplement in the Saturday, August 13 edition of the Sentinel. Images of the ad page were projected. Two of the parts appear below:
Nelson was the Detective. He revealed that it was also co-President/birthday girl Laura’s 18th anniversary of joining Rotary. - a well-deserved round of applause. Celebratory drinks to be.....later?
Nelson also coined a new acronym – CPOM - Co-President of the Month.... For those not sure how the monthly title will be determined, Laura and Kendra had previously announced that they were alternating months chairing Club meetings and being primarily responsible for Club business. Kendra is CPOM in the odd months, Laura in the even months.
Nelson queried the attendees on the identify of non-members of our club who appeared in the event photo below, which ran as the third part of Mardi’s Sentinel ad.
The members scored about 50%. Without naming names, there were 1 or 2 whom some of us might prefer not to recall....
Sandra was asked to tell something about her past that we did not know about. She told us she was from Coalinga, of which she said most people remark, "I've driven through there." She said that one of the events of her childhood was tarantula races held in her driveway. And one wonders why folks didn't stop there....
Afterward, Kendra presented Laura with a gag birthday t-shirt.
Presumably, pickleball players get the joke.
Our guest speaker was Ashley Bridges, the Director of Pajaro Valley Loaves and Fishes.
Dr. Art volunteers at Loaves and Fishes every week. He has set up our club to be there 11/23 to help with meals. Everyone is encouraged to lend a hand.
Ashely said that Loaves and Fishes started after the Loma Prieta earthquake. It serves meals Mondays thru Fridays noon-3 pm. Our club's last grant to Loaves and Fishes went to support "Pantry on the Go," which provides bags of food for the homeless.
Loaves and Fishes addresses food insecurity which affects 1 in 4 residents of Santa Cruz County, and is particularly acute at months' ends. 80% of their clients are in South County. Ironically, many of their clients are farm workers.
The organization has 4 full time employees and 1-20 volunteers a day. They provide bags of pre-packed staples and choices for other items.
Their major distributions are on Thanksgiving and Christmas and that’s when they need the most help.
This year the County did not fund Loaves and Fishes (or many other non-profits) so they will have to draw on reserves.
They will also hold their Empty Bowls fundraiser.
We look forward to seeing everyone next Thursday!
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